A Glimpse into Our Legacy
To provide convenient, mouthwatering, exciting, quality live, raw, unprocessed food to those who seek to remain on such a health-promoting diet.
To feed the world with live, raw, unprocessed health, health-promoting food at a reasonable price.
When my mom was deathly sick about 20 years ago, bedridden and at death's door from liver Cirrhosis, a famous raw food expert and author named Queen Afua put her on a 100% raw food diet. What happened was a miracle before my eyes. In less than two weeks, my bedridden, shrunken mother, whose belly had swollen with edema, was up and about, had gained weight and lost the big belly. It was amazing! My bedridden mom walked miles a day shortly after, carried heavy items, and was back to her normal self. The difference in my mom was spectacular! I was totally amazed at the power of live foods!
That was my first encounter with the healing powers of RAW. Since then, I've been passionate about sharing it with the world. I have read and studied almost every raw food and food science book known to man that tells of the incredible healing powers of the food that God made.

A Tradition of Taste
For the last 20 years, I have been a frequent guest, guest worker, and graduate of the Optimum Health Institute of San Diego, the premiere raw food detox place in America. For our detox menu, we adhere strictly to OHI rules for optimum wellness.
Our gourmet menu loosely adheres to food combining rich, scrumptious pies, entrées, cakes, and mouthwatering meals that are yours to enjoy. On this menu, you will not miss cooked food!
My heart is to provide quality live food without cutting corners. We use only organic produce, except in rare instances when we cannot find particular organic items. All seeds, nuts, and grains used are sprouted and germinated. All dehydrated items are done below 100 degrees to preserve all enzymes. My heart is to help you heal.
My mom, in a few short weeks, further down in her amazing recovery, started getting bored of the same old fruit and salad every day. That was all I knew to give her at the time. Soon, she began putting cooked food back into her diet. And as most raw fooders know, when you eat one cooked thing, it can derail months or weeks of great live food eating. So gradually, my mom, bored with the monotony of her diet, was back to cooking. And I saw her gradually degenerate again. Ultimately, the disease didn't kill her, but a hospital mistake did.
My driving force has been to help all those who want to eat raw but, like my mom, cannot stay raw for some reason. It could be that you can't stand the same salad every day; it could be that you're too sick or weak to do the prep; it could be that you're too busy, or the process is daunting for you. Whatever the reason may be, we are here to help you.

Mission of Caring
We will make raw live foods exciting for you. You will finally be able to break away from your small cycle of the same foods as we engage you with variety!!! You will finally be able to eat a true cross-section of real food on Earth! Getting a bounty of nutritional benefits from variety. We will present it to you in a colorful, enticing, delicious way. Lastly, your taste buds will sing of the glory of our live foods. It's quality you can taste and yummy beyond belief! Rest assured that you're getting the ultimate and optimum food for your body's regeneration and rejuvenation. This is our pledge to you. I love to share my knowledge of raw foods and their healing powers. Please ask any questions you may have concerning any subject on our guest book page, and I will reply to everyone, even though it may take a few days.
Thank you for reading my story. I hope to be part of yours.